Rhode Island winters can be harsh and cold. The last thing any homeowner wants to come home to is a broken heating system. That is why we recommend booking your furnace tune-up now. Waiting until winter starts could leave you in the cold if your system has an issue.

When you book your fall tune-up, we want you to know exactly what to expect from our National team. One of our experts will do a full examination of your furnace which includes:

National Refrigeration ensures your home's heating system is operating efficiently and effectively.
  1. Observing HVAC exterior to detect any unit damage or necessary repairs
  2. Checking for gas leaks and monitoring gas pressure
  3. Inspecting and cleaning unit controls
  4. Tightening and cleaning pilot assembly
  5. Lubricating blower and moving parts
  6. Testing Carbon Monoxide detectors
  7. Checking, and replacing if needed, air filters
  8. Monitoring air flow and ventilation process
  9. Observing flue draft
  10. Testing system and observing any pressure or ventilation issues
  11. Check Thermostat
  12. Review results with homeowner

As a homeowner, something you can do yourself is regularly change air filters. Depending on the type of filter, they should be changed roughly once every few months. If you are unfamiliar with changing air filters, your National technician can explain the process during your fall tune-up. For more homeowner tips, check out our blog HVAC Tips for Homeowners

The primary objective of our team is to ensure that your home’s heating system is operating at peak performance, maximum energy efficiency, and is, most importantly, functioning safely. The comprehensive review of your HVAC unit will ensure that you are getting the most out of your energy bill. 

Not convinced a fall tune-up is necessary? Consider these reasons for why you should not neglect this homeowner responsibility:

Save money and time keeping up with regular system maintenance appointments.

1. Remain covered by warranty

Many warranty plans require annual tune-ups to remain under coverage.

2. Tune-Ups cost less than repairs

Tune-ups are preventative measures against damage. Waiting until your HVAC is in need of a repair is a costly risk.

3. Efficiency is improved

Choosing to schedule tune-ups annually ensures that your HVAC system is operating at maximum efficiency and you are saving energy (and money!)

4. Air Flow is monitored

Home comfort in the winter months is crucial. Poor air flow, losing heat due to drafts or deteriorating equipment is costly and uncomfortable. 

5. Thermostat issues are solved

We review your thermostat to check that it is working properly, this is an important step in making sure your home is comfortable all year long.

According to Energy Star, “nearly half of the energy used in your home goes to heating and cooling,” so make the investment to book your fall tune-up today.

Interested in learning more ways to enhance the quality of your HVAC system? Look here

And, if your question isn’t answered here, contact the National Refrigeration team and we’ll find your solution.

Whether you need 24-7 emergency service or advice on improving your everyday air quality and comfort—at home and at work—call us at 401-737-2000 or email us. Our Comfort Club members enjoy high-priority service among many other benefits. Click here to learn more.