Energy bills during Rhode Island summers often skyrocket. Keeping the cooling bill low is a goal for most homeowners looking to save money and increase home energy efficiency. Finding the balance between comfort and cost-effectiveness is important. 

To understand what temperature your AC should be set to, you should take into consideration your context. Ideal AC temperatures will vary across homes. 

Start by looking at the questions: 

  • What is the season?
  • What temperature feels comfortable to you?
  • Are you using a programmable heating/cooling schedule?

What is the Season?

In the summer, according to Energy Star, 78 degrees is an ideal starting point for maximum energy-savings. Of course, adjust this up or down to meet your home’s needs. 

In the winter, Energy Star recommends setting the heat to 70 degrees as a starting point. The lower the degree, the less hard your heater will have to work.

Are you using a Programmable Heating/Cooling Schedule?

Programmable thermostats can be set to your preferred temperature settings and then automatically adjust to your schedule and preset levels. 

Below is a graph from Energy Star to give homeowners an idea on starting points for programming thermostats. Depending on how often you are home or away, your heating and cooling schedule will vary.

Energy Star provides homeowners with ideal temperatures to set home thermostats.

Keeping Cool Without Relying on the Thermostat

There are a number of ways homeowners can control the temperature of a home without adjusting the thermostat. Here is a list of common ways to keep cool in the summertime:

1.Keep Curtains Closed

Keeping curtains and blinds closed, especially during the warmest times of day, will help keep your home cool. Blocking the path of direct sunlight into the home is a cost-effective approach to keeping cool. 

Closing curtains can safe energy and lower utility bills.

2. Turn Ceiling Fans On

Ceiling fans create a breeze that makes a room feel cooler than it might actually be. Fans also contribute to circulating the cool air being pumped out by your air conditioner. In the summertime, ceiling fans should be running counter-clockwise to ensure the cool air is being pushed down. 

3. Landscape Matters

It might surprise you to learn that landscaping can significantly contribute to the internal temperature of a home. Read our blog on landscaping and home energy consumption to learn a few tips.

It is important to have regular maintenance performed on your air conditioner so you can enjoy uninterrupted air quality and comfort. 

And, if your question isn’t answered here, contact the National Refrigeration team and we’ll find your solution.

Whether you need 24-7 emergency service or advice on improving your everyday air quality and comfort—at home and at work—call us at 401-737-2000 or email us.