HVAC Specials & Rebates

Numerous state governments, energy providers and equipment manufacturers currently offer rebates aimed at enhancing the affordability of heating, cooling and air quality equipment. These incentives help homeowners implement energy-efficient upgrades in their homes, increasing sustainability while decreasing energy costs.

Generally, the higher the efficiency of a new furnace, air conditioner, ductless system or heat pump, the more you can save.

Here are some current rebates available:

Limited time offer - National HVAC's Fall Special offering 10% off heating system replacements.

National HVAC’s Fall Special

National Refrigeration of Rhode Island is offering 10% off HVAC system replacements for a limited time. Contact us for details.

Limited time offer

National Refrigeration works with Rhode Island Energy to offer rebates on heat pumps and mini-split units for residents of Rhode Island

Looking to save up to 30% on your energy bills? Consider upgrading your heating equipment with these additional rebate savings from Rhode Island Energy towards qualifying energy-efficient, natural gas furnaces and boilers, water heaters, heat pumps and thermostats:

Central Heat Pump and Mini-Split Heat Pump Rebates

Equipment Efficiency Requirement1 Standard Rebate Amount Enhanced Rebate Amount5
Central Heat Pump4 (Ducted) AHRI: SEER ≥ 15, HSPF ≥ 9; OR AHRI: SEER2 > 14.3, HSPF2 > 7.7 OR ENERGY STAR V6.13 $350 per ton $1,250 per ton
Mini-Split Heat Pump4 (Ducted or Mixed Ducted) AHRI: SEER ≥ 15, HSPF ≥ 9 OR AHRI: SEER2 > 14.3, HSPF2 > 7.7 OR ENERGY STAR V6.13 $350 per ton $1,250 per ton
Mini-Split Heat Pump4 (Non-Ducted) NEEP2: SEER ≥ 15, HSPF ≥ 10; OR NEEP2: SEER2 > 15, HSPF2 > 8.5; AND COP at 5°F > 1.75 OR ENERGY STAR V6.13 $150 per ton $1,250 per ton

1 Mini-split heat pumps that only provide cooling are not eligible. SEER/SEER2 – Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. HSPF/HSPF2 – Heating Seasonal Performance Factor is a ratio of an air source heat pump’s heat output to electricity use over an average heating season. COP – Coefficient of Performance is a ratio of useful heating or cooling provided to work required. Rounding up of SEER/SEER2 and HSPF/HSPF2 ratings is not acceptable.

2 For equipment requiring Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP) listing, refer to NEEP.org.

3 ENERGY STAR V6.1 requirements can be found HERE.

4 Limit four (4) rebates per RI residential electric account.

5 Enhanced rebate amounts offered for homes that heat primarily with electric baseboard resistance heating.

High efficiency natural gas heating equipment rebates

Equipment Efficiency Requirement Rebate Amount
Hot water boiler AFUE* Rating ≥ 95% $800
Warm air furnace AFUE* Rating ≥ 97% and electronic commutated motor $550

High efficiency natural gas water heater rebates

Equipment Efficiency Requirement Rebate Amount
ENERGY STAR® Certified On-demand Tankless Water Heater ≥ .87 UEF* $600
ENERGY STAR® Certified Storage Water Heater Med. Draw ≥ .64 UEF* , High Draw ≥ .68 UEF* $75

Combined Heating and Water Heating Equipment Rebates

Must be considered one unit by the manufacturer

Equipment Efficiency Requirement Rebate Amount
Combined condensing boiler and on-demand water heating unit AFUE* Rating of ≥ 95% $1,000

*AFUE Rating = Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency Rating UEF = Uniform Energy Factor

Thermostat Rebates

Equipment Rebate Amount
ENERGY STAR® Certified Smart Thermostat (wireless connection must be enabled) Up to $75/ea
7-Day Programmable Thermostat Up to $25/ea

Limit two Wi-Fi enabled thermostats per account. Rebate amount cannot exceed purchase price.

Clean Heat Rhode Island has teamed up with National Refrigeration to offer residential HVAC incentives towards new heat pump installations

Clean Heat Rhode Island provides incentives to assist homeowners and small-to-midsize business owners with the purchase and installation of energy-efficient electric heating and cooling technologies, such as heat pumps, with the goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Rhode Island to net zero by 2050.

Clean Heat Rhode Island Residential HVAC Incentives

Equipment Type Efficiency Requirement Incentive Amount Sept 2023 – Sept 2024 Incentive Amount Starting Oct 2024
Air Source Heat Pump Central Ducted AHRI: SEER >= 15, HSPF >= 9; OR SEER2 >=14.3, HSPF2 >=7.7 $1,000/ton $750/ton/ton
Multizone Mix of Ducted and Non-Ducted AHRI: SEER >= 15, HSPF >= 9;
OR SEER2 >=14.3, HSPF2 >=7.7
Non-Ducted NEEP’s Cold Climate Heat Pump List
Ground Source (Geothermal) Heat Pump ENERGY STAR & AHRI Matched Equipment $1,250/ton $1,250/ton
Heat Pump Water Heater ENERGY STAR certified UEF 3.30 $750 $750
Heat Pump Water Heater (120volt/15amp circuit) ENERGY STAR certified UEF 2.20 $750 $750
Split-System Heat Pump Water Heater ENERGY STAR certified UEF 2.20 $1,500 $1,500
Electrical Service Upgrade Minimum upgrade to 150 amp service $500 $500

Additional incentives available for new residential construction and commercial businesses. Income-eligible incentives are available for those who qualify. Clean Heat RI incentives and customer eligibility requirements are subject to change at any time at the discretion of the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources. Please visit Clean Heat RI for more information.

Federal Tax Credits for Heat Pumps

Homeowners can claim up to 30% of the project cost, up to a $2,000.00 tax credit per year, for air-source and ground-source heat pumps that are purchased and installed between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2032. Additional information can be found by visiting the IRS website and Energy.gov

Rebates can be confusing but your National Refrigeration consultant can help you navigate the best rebate offers.