Clean air naturally with Cold Plasma Generator technology
From Phenomenal Aire and National Refrigeration
What is it?
Installed in your home’s existing ductwork, Phenomenal Aire Cold Plasma Generator’s proprietary technology cleans your home or building’s air naturally — without chemicals.
How does it impact Covid-19?
Independent testing conducted by Innovative Bioanalysis, (a non-affiliated BSL-3 laboratory) simulated environmental conditions of heating and air conditioning systems found in both residential and commercial applications. The results for the 60-minute test verified that 82.3% of the virus was inactivated at 30 minutes, 99.4% at 45 minutes, and 99.9% at 60 minutes.
Additionally, Phenomenal Aire’s Cold Plasma Generator kills mold, viruses, bacteria and fungus. And: it reduces allergens, smoke and odors. Your entire family will breathe easier.
How does it work?
The Cold Plasma Generator produces a plasma (or electric) field inside the HVAC system. As air flows through, molecules are charged creating positively and negatively charged ions which in turn, scrubs the air. These ions travel into the living space where they then kill harmful microorganisms like mold, bacteria and viruses not only in the air, but also on surfaces like countertops, doorknobs and computer keyboards. The ions also cause smaller particles like pollen to stick together, making it easier for your HVAC filter to capture them.
How to learn more?
There are several products on the market which are designed to attack the Coronavirus. After close examination by our technical staff, this is the one which we at National Refrigeration prefer and recommend. It is affordable, easy to install, has no moving parts to break, and requires only periodic inspections and cleaning. Our team would be pleased to answer your questions about this remarkable product.